Indonesian to English
tersimpan saved, stored
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  1. terkubur
    (tertanam, tertimbun, terpendam, tersembunyi, tersimpan)
  2. terpendam
  3. tersembunyi
  4. tertanam
  5. terabadikan
  6. tercatat
  7. terdokumentasikan
  8. tercantum
  9. terkandung
  10. terselip
  11. tersemat
  12. tersisip

Related Word(s)

be, chaste, conceal, exists, fears, hidden, hide, infinitely, is, kept, lies, preserved, reserved, righteous, saved, secrets, sitting, store, stored, thoughts, tucked, written


dengan pola yang telah tersimpan.
with that stored pattern.
dengan pola yang tersimpan saat dia memarkir mobilnya.
with the stored pattern where he parked his car.
tersimpan dalam hampir semua sel dalam tubuh kita dalam kromosom
are stored in almost all cells in our bodies in chromosomes
tersimpan pada plastik coklat ini
stored in plain brown paper bags
dan datanya tersimpan
and the data was archived
tersimpan di tanah sebagai batu bara, minyak,
deposited in the ground as coal, oil,
dan tersimpan secara berbeda, dari pria."
and deposited differently, than men."
dan beberapa produk sampingnya dapat tersimpan di dalam lemak.
and some of the byproducts may be stored in the fat.
karena buku-buku tersebut tersimpan di dalam sini dan saya tidak pernah melihatnya lagi,
because they go in here and I never look at them again
dan pada akun itu tersimpan 14,9 juta dollar AS.
and that bank account had 14.9 million U.S. dollars on it.
yang tersimpan di dalam pasir.
hidden in the sand.
tersimpan di dalam benihnya.
are held in seeds.
kini tersimpan.
is now stored.
seperti yang pernah anda lihat tersimpan di Svalbard, Norwegia.
as you might have seen stored in Svalbard in Norway --
sekarang tersimpan di sebuah museum di Edinburgh;
now happily stuffed in a museum in Edinburgh;
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