Indonesian to English
tewas lose, defect, flaw
please wait
by Xamux Translate


  1. berkalang tanah
    (berlalu, berpulang, mati, meninggal, tutup mata, tutup usia, wafat)
  2. berpulang
  3. gugur
  4. lewat
  5. mangkat
  6. mati
  7. meninggal
  8. tutup mata
  9. tutup usia
  10. wafat keok
  11. roboh
  12. rontok
  13. tergelincir
  14. tersisih
  15. tumbang
  16. tumpas angkat tangan
  17. bertekuk lutut
  18. menyerah
  19. takluk
  20. tunduk


  1. hidup
    (berjiwa, bernapas, bernyawa, membesar, tumbuh, urip, menyala, bergerak, berjalan, bekerja, berfungsi, beroperasi, baru, segar, beralamat, berdiam, bermukim, duduk, tinggal, marak, menggembirakan, meriah, ramai)
  2. menang
    (berhasil, berjaya, beroleh hadiah, beruntung, juara, lulus, mencapai kemajuan, unggul, wijaya)

Related Word(s)

been, consumed, dead, death, deaths, die, died, fall, fallen, fatalities, fell, gone, had, killed, losses, lost, overthrown, perished, slain, sumarmi, toll, was, were


bahwa orang tewas
that people died
yaitu bulu babi, tewas.
a sea urchin, died.
Dalam 10 tahun terakhir, 5 juta orang telah tewas
In the past 10 years, five million people have died
lebih dari 10.000 anak yang tewas
more than 10,000 children who are killed
tidak ada yang tewas oleh mobil di Amerika Serikat.
nobody was killed by cars in the United States.
tewas karena mobil di Amerika Serikat.
were killed by cars in the United States.
dan pria muda yang pingsan dan tewas,
and the young man who collapsed and died,
Begini, jika Anda lakukan Anda akan tewas.
Well, you'd die if you did that.
lebih dari 6.000 orang telah tewas dalam dua tahun terakhir
over 6,000 of whom have been killed in the last two years alone,
Ini adalah korban tewas di Jonestown.
These are the dead in Jonestown.
Orang tua Superman tewas di planet Krypton
Superman's parents die on Krypton
Jika tentara melihat temannya tewas karena ledakan,
If a soldier sees his friend blown up, his brain goes into
Tapi penonton tidak datang untuk melihat pesulap tewas,
But audiences don't come to see the magician die,
banyak dari para sandera ini tewas
that lots of these hostages actually died
Tidak heran orang-orang ini tewas
And it's no surprise that people died,
Hampir semua orang yang tewas
Virtually everybody that got killed
Jumlah sandera yang tewas
The final toll of hostages
karena ada orang yang tewas beberapa hari berikutnya.
because there were other people who died over the next few days.
jenderal itu tewas.
the general was dead.
dan semuanya tewas dalam perjalanan pulang itu.
and all five died on that return journey.
CA: Jadi, waduh. 11 orang tewas dalam serangan itu, kan,
CA: So, I mean, 11 people died in that attack, right,
dan antara 18 sampai 26 orang tewas semua
There were between 18 and 26 people killed all together.
Ayahnya tewas seketika
The father dies on impact
mengatakan korban tewas dari bencana Chernobyl
puts the number of Chernobyl-related deaths
yang tewas dalam perang sipil di Suriah,
who have died in the Syrian civil war,
atau tewas dalam kecelakaan,
or dies in a fiery car crash,
menabrak batu-batu itu dan tewas."
crash into the rocks and die."
Jika esok kau berbuat seperti itu, kau akan tewas,
If you do that tomorrow, I'll be dead, you'll be dead,
semua orang akan tewas.
every single one of the men will be dead.
Annie telah tewas, bersama 20 anggota kawanan lainnya.
Annie had been killed, along with 20 members of her herd.
1,2 juta orang tewas di jalan-jalan setiap tahun di dunia ini.
1.2 million people are killed on the world's roads every year.
Di Amerika saja, 33.000 orang tewas setiap tahun.
In America alone, 33,000 people are killed each year.
Namun dia tidak tewas saat ulang tahunnya.
But he didn't die on Dench's birthday.
Khaled Saeed tewas
Khaled Saeed was killed
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