Indonesian to English
tipografi typography.
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the craft of composing type and printing from it
kerajinan jenis penyusunan dan pencetakan dari itu
source: WordNet 3.0

Related Word(s)

typefaces, typographic, typography


Dan kemudian saya letakkan tipografi di sana.
And then I just threw some typography on it.
Bagi saya, hal seperti ini biasanya diatasi dengan solusi tipografi,
Now to me, this was always going to be a typographic solution,
Biasanya dalam hari pertama Pengenalan Tipografi,
Usually on the first day of Introduction to Typography,
tipografi obat nyamuk
mosquito repellent typography
Anda bisa mengambil bentuk dan membuat sebuah tipografi.
You can take the shape and make typography out of it.
kami menciptakan tipografi flora ini
created this fairly floral typography
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