Indonesian to English
traktor tractor
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traktor ban ulatcaterpillar-tractor
traktor dengan roda ulattractor with caterpiller wheel
traktorisasiprogram to popularize the use of tractors in agricultural production.

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tractor, tractors


seukuran truk trailer traktor
the size of a tractor trailer truck
Saya menemukan kipas traktor,
I found a tractor fan,
dengan sendok teh, namun dengan traktor,
with a teaspoon but with a skip loader,
Bukan karena penemuan traktor dan alat pertanian terbaru,
Not by the latest combine and tractor invention,
di samping traktor, hal yang sudah jelas
next door to the diggers, which is obviously
Scott memiliki semacam kuda poni dan beberapa traktor
Scott had sort of ponies and some tractors
David Merrill: Sekarang dia sedang membawa sebuah traktor kedalam adegan.
David Merrill: Now he's brought a tractor into the scene.
Video: Traktor jingga.
Video: The orange tractor.
mulai dari traktor,
things from tractors,
Saya membeli traktor -- dan kemudian rusak
I bought a tractor -- then it broke.
dan membuat traktor dalam enam hari.
and built a tractor in six days.
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