Indonesian to English
trilyun quintillion.
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the number that is represented as a one followed by 18 zeros
nomor yang direpresentasikan sebagai satu diikuti oleh 18 angka nol
source: WordNet 3.0

Related Word(s)

billion, quintillion, trillion, trillions


Dia mengatakan. "Ada berapa nol di satu trilyun? Aku harus segera menghitungnya."
He says, "How many zeros in a trillion? I've got to calculate that right away."
adalah sekitar 100 trilyun robot selular kecil.
is approximately 100 trillion little cellular robots.
Tidak ada bahan lain. Kita tersusun dari sel, sekitar 100 trilyun jumlahnya.
No other ingredients at all. We're just made of cells, about 100 trillion of them.
obat terlarang adalah bisnis 36 trilyun rupiah
illegal drugs were a $400 billion business,
dari perekonomian senilai 2 trilyun dolar hari ini
from a $2 trillion economy today
menjadi 29 trilyun dolar pada 2050.
to a $29 trillion economy by 2050.
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