Indonesian to English
tuma louse, esp. human head lice.
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  1. bangsat
    (kepinding, kutu busuk, bedebah, celaka, durjana, jahanam, keparat, sial, terkutuk)
  2. kepinding
  3. kutu
tuman(Jakarta) be accustomed to.
tumang1. 1) k.o. peg or stake. 2) rock or stick to support pan on a brazier. 2. (Ambon) leaf container for sago meal.

Related Word(s)

contumacious sebagai kaku necked kebanggaan
contumacious as stiff necked pride
dentuman besar benar benar terjadi
the big bang existed
inflexibly keras kepala contumacious sebagai
inflexibly obstinate contumacious as
keras kepala keras kepala contumacious
obstinate stubborn contumacious
pertuman tahunan firma malam tadi
firm annual meeting last night
sangat ketidakpatuhan contumacious keras kepala
obstinate in disobedience contumacious stubborn
sebuah dentuman atau stroke terutama
a thump or stroke especially
sebuah dentuman sebuah pukulan berat
a thump a heavy blow
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