Salah satu frasa dalam berbahasa Inggris yang harus dikuasai adalah bertanya waktu dan menjawab pertanyaan tentang waktu. Frasa ini adalah frasa dasar yang sering dipakai dalam berbagai percakapan.
Bertanya tentang waktu (asking time)
- What time is it right now?
- Can you tell me the current time?
- Can you give me an update on the time?
- Can you let me know what time it is?
- What is the time on the clock?
- Could you give me a time check?
- Can you tell me what time it is, please?
- What is the exact time?
- What is the hour right now?
- Can you share the time with me?
- Could you tell me the current hour?
- Can you let me know the time right now?
- Could you give me an update on the hour?
- Can you give me the current time, please?
- Can you tell me the hour at the moment?
- What is the current time showing on the clock?
- Could you give me the time update?
- What is the time showing right now?
- Can you let me know what time it is now?
- Could you tell me the hour and minute?
- Can you give me the exact time at the moment?
- What is the current time and date?
- Could you give me the time and date?
- Can you let me know the current time and date?
- Can you tell me the time, date, and day of the week?
- Could you give me the time and day of the week?
- Can you tell me the current hour, minute, and second?
- Could you give me the hour, minute, and second right now?
- Can you let me know the current time in military format?
- Could you give me the current time in 24-hour format?
- Can you tell me the current time in 12-hour format?
- Could you give me the time in AM/PM format?
- Can you let me know the time with seconds included?
- Could you give me the time to the nearest minute?
- Can you tell me the time with a precision of seconds?
- Could you give me the current time with milli-seconds?
- Can you let me know the time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)?
- Could you give me the time in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)?
- Can you tell me the time in the local time zone?
- Could you give me the time in my time zone?
- Can you let me know the time in a different time zone?
- Could you give me the time difference between two time zones?
- Can you tell me the time with a world map?
- Could you give me the time with a digital clock display?
- Can you let me know the time with an analog clock display?
- Could you give me the time with a wristwatch display?
- Can you tell me the time with a wall clock display?
- Could you give me the time with a sunrise and sunset display?
- Can you let me know the time with a moon phase display?
- Could you give me the time with a lunar calendar display?
Memberitahu Waktu (Tell Time)
- It’s exactly 9 o’clock.
- The time is quarter past 10.
- It’s half past 11.
- The time is quarter to 1.
- It’s exactly 2 P.M.
- The time is ten minutes past 3.
- It’s twenty minutes to 4.
- The time is a quarter after 5.
- It’s exactly 6 o’clock.
- The time is ten minutes to 7.
- It’s half past 8.
- The time is quarter past 9.
- It’s exactly 10 A.M.
- The time is twenty minutes to 11.
- It’s a quarter after 12.
- The time is exactly 1 P.M.
- The time is ten minutes past 2.
- It’s twenty minutes to 3.
- The time is quarter after 4.
- It’s exactly 5 o’clock.
- The time is ten minutes to 6.
- It’s half past 7.
- The time is quarter past 8.
- The time is exactly 9 A.M.
- The time is twenty minutes to 10.
- It’s a quarter after 11.
- It’s exactly 12 P.M.
- The time is ten minutes past 1.
- It’s twenty minutes to 2.
- The time is quarter after 3.
- It’s exactly 4 o’clock.
- The time is ten minutes to 5.
- It’s half past 6.
- The time is quarter past 7.
- The time is exactly 8 A.M.
- The time is twenty minutes to 9.
- It’s a quarter after 10.
- It’s exactly 11 P.M.
- The time is ten minutes past 12.
- It’s twenty minutes to 1.
- The time is quarter after 2.
- It’s exactly 3 o’clock.
- The time is ten minutes to 4.
- It’s half past 5.
- The time is quarter past 6.
- It’s exactly 7 A.M.
- The time is twenty minutes to 8.
- It’s a quarter after 9.
- It’s exactly 10 P.M.
- The time is ten minutes past 11.