Slang Words
- Chill: santai, tenang, rileks
- Dude: teman, kawan, bro
- Lit: keren, hebat, seru
- LOL: tertawa terbahak-bahak (laughing out loud)
- OMG: astaga, ya Tuhan (oh my God)
- Savage: tajam, pedas, kejam
- Sick: luar biasa, mantap, gila
- Squad: geng, kelompok teman dekat
- Woke: sadar akan isu-isu sosial dan politik
- YOLO: hidup hanya sekali (you only live once)
- Bae: sayang, pacar, kekasih
- Basic: biasa saja, tidak istimewa, kurang kreatif
- Cringe: merasa malu, jijik, risih
- DM: pesan langsung (direct message)
- Epic: luar biasa, spektakuler, legendaris
- Flex: pamer, sombong, menunjukkan kelebihan
- Ghost: menghilang, tidak menjawab pesan atau telepon
- Hangry: lapar dan marah (hungry and angry)
- Hype: populer, viral, banyak dibicarakan
- Lowkey: diam-diam, sedikit-sedikit
- Nerd: kutu buku, pintar tapi kurang bergaul
- Noob: pemula, tidak berpengalaman atau ahli
- OK boomer: ungkapan untuk mengejek orang tua yang dianggap ketinggalan zaman atau tidak mengerti generasi muda
- On fleek: sempurna, bagus sekali
- Poggers: hebat sekali (dari kata PogChamp yang merupakan emotikon di Twitch)
- Roast: menghina atau mengejek seseorang dengan cara lucu atau kasar
- Salty: kesal atau cemburu karena kalah atau ditolak
- Shade: sindiran halus atau kasar yang menyindir seseorang tanpa menyebut namanya secara langsung
- Ship: mendukung hubungan romantis antara dua orang (dari kata relationship)
- Slay: berhasil dengan sangat baik atau menarik perhatian banyak orang
- Snack: seseorang yang sangat menarik secara fisik
- Stan: penggemar berat seseorang atau sesuatu (dari lagu Eminem yang berjudul Stan)
- Tea or spill the tea : gosip atau informasi rahasia yang menarik
- Thirsty : sangat ingin mendapatkan perhatian dari seseorang secara romantis atau seksual
- Troll : seseorang yang sengaja membuat orang lain marah atau tersinggung dengan komentar provokatif di internet
- Vibe : suasana hati atau perasaan yang ditimbulkan oleh seseorang atau sesuatu
- Weird flex but OK : ungkapan untuk merespons sesuatu yang aneh tapi tidak masalah
- Woke : sadar akan isu-isu sosial dan politik (sama dengan bahasa gaul Indonesia woke)
- Yass : ungkapan untuk menunjukkan persetujuan atau antusiasme (dari kata yes)
- Zaddy : pria dewasa yang tampan dan kaya
- Bummer: a disappointment
- Chick: a girl or young woman
- Chill: relax
- Cool: great or fantastic
- Couch potato: a person who takes little or no exercise and watches a lot of television
- Cram: study like crazy
- Flakey: indecisive or unreliable
- Flick: a movie
- Freebie: something that is free
- Lemon: a bad purchase
- Shades: sunglasses
- Shotgun: the front seat of a car
- In no time: very quickly or soon
- Arse : your rear end
- Banter : making jokes, often at the expense of others
- Bare : used to emphasize something
- Blimey : an expression of surprise
- Bollocks : nonsense or rubbish
- Cheeky : impudent or irreverent
- Chuffed : very pleased or happy
- Dodgy : suspicious or dishonest
- Gobsmacked : astonished or shocked
- Knackered : very tired or exhausted
- Loo : toilet
- Mate : friend
- Naff : uncool or lacking style
- Pants : bad or rubbish (not to be confused with trousers)
- Quid : one pound sterling (British currency)
- Skive : avoid work or responsibility by making excuses
- Sorted : arranged or dealt with satisfactorily
Example Sentences
- I was just chillin’ with my bae, trying not to get too triggered by all the creepy people around.
- YOLO, so I went ahead with my plan and it ended up being a total bummer.
- Don’t be so salty, it’s not like you put any effort into it.
- She was so thirsty for attention that she would always flex on people.
- I was feeling pretty swag today, so I decided to show off a bit.
- I don’t understand why he was so triggered by my joke.
- My bae always brings me so much joy, it’s like sunshine in my life.
- His reaction was a bit creepy, so I slowly backed away.
- YOLO, let’s do something crazy!
- I can’t believe I was so salty about losing, it was just a game.
- She was being so swag, I couldn’t help but smile.
- Don’t get too triggered if things don’t go your way.
- His thirst for money was so obvious, I’m sure everyone noticed.
- I’m not here to flex, I just want to get this project done.
- YOLO, let’s take a leap of faith!
- Don’t be so bummer, it’s not the end of the world.
- I don’t want to get too creepy, so I’ll just stay away.
- My bae always makes me feel so loved, it’s like walking on sunshine.
- Let’s all chillin’ for a bit, I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed.
- Don’t be so salty if you don’t get what you want.
- That guy was a bit too swag, it was almost irritating.
- I don’t understand why they were so triggered by my suggestion.
- He was so thirsty for money, it was almost sad.
- YOLO, let’s just do it!
- That was a total bummer, I should have expected it.
- Don’t be so creeped out, it’s just a harmless joke.
- I just want to chillin’ for a bit, I’m exhausted.
- Let’s not get too salty if we don’t get what we want.
- Being swag is all about confidence, not arrogance.
- I know you’re feeling triggered, but let’s stay calm.
- That party was lit AF, I can’t believe we stayed up until dawn.
- She’s a total bae, I hope she notices me at the club tonight.
- Did you hear the tea about Dave and Jen? Apparently they’re hooking up.
- That car is sick, it’s got mad horsepower under the hood.
- I can’t stand that guy, he’s such a basic bro.
- I’m so hangry right now, let’s go grab some food.
- The new iPhone is fire, I’m definitely getting one.
- That jacket is fresh, where did you get it?
- I was shook when I found out he was cheating on me.
- That movie was hella boring, I almost fell asleep.
- The concert was lit, the crowd was so hyped.
- He’s such a tool, always trying to one-up everyone.
- That’s savage, I can’t believe you said that.
- I’m feeling salty today, I need some alone time.
- Did you hear about the new Netflix series? It’s supposed to be lit.
- That’s so sus, I don’t trust him at all.
- I’m so down to chill tonight, let’s make some plans.
- That’s dope, I didn’t know you could do that.
- He’s so cringe, I can’t stand watching him.
- She’s a total smoke show, I can’t stop staring.
- That’s so extra, do you really need to wear a fur coat in summer?
- That party was wild, there were so many people and it was so loud.
- I can’t believe he ghosted me, I thought we had a connection.
- That’s lowkey genius, I never would have thought of that.
- I’m so shooketh, I can’t believe what just happened.
- That’s such a mood, I feel the same way.
- That outfit is fire, you’re killing it.
- That’s sus AF, I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him.
- That’s lit, let’s do it.
- He’s such a simp, always doing whatever she wants.
Contoh dalam Bahasa Indonesia
- Aku suka banget dengan style lo hari ini, edgy banget.
- Gue lagi ngikutin drama Korea yang lagi hits, nggak sabar buat next episode.
- Kamu sering banget up to date tentang gadget terbaru ya?
- Gua lagi ngerjain project yang deadline-nya udah deket nih.
- Aku gak bisa cancel plan yang udah di-set kemarin, it’s a bummer.
- Dia selalu on point dalam fashion, jadi fashion icon banget.
- Lo sering banget update Instagram story, addict banget sih.
- Gua lagi bosen, mau scrolling Instagram buat killing time.
- Abis workout, rasanya sweaty and energized.
- Dia lagi sibuk banget jadi jarang chat, harus sabar nunggu balasan.
- Aku suka banget dengan karya seni lo, artistic banget.
- Gua lagi dengerin podcast yang baru, inspiring banget sih.
- Kamu udah nonton film terbaru dari Hollywood? It’s a must-watch!
- Aku udah kirim email tadi pagi, tapi belum dapet response dari client.
- Gua lagi mood-nya chill, mau baca buku sambil minum kopi.
- Dia selalu stylish, jadi influencer banget sih.
- Lo udah subscribe YouTube channel baru itu? It’s worth it.
- Abis jalan-jalan, rasanya exhausted tapi happy.
- Aku gak suka sama penampilan dia, too basic dan boring.
- Kamu sering banget on the go, jadi harus selalu siap-siap.
- Aku suka banget sama photo editing skill lo, bagus banget.
- Gua lagi stress nih, but it’s okay, we’ll get through this.
- Dia punya kemampuan multitasking yang bagus banget, efficient banget sih.