censored | memeriksa |
censored | |||
censored | |
adjective |
suppressed or subject to censorship
ditekan atau tunduk pada sensor
disensor, menyensor, yang disensor |
Example(s)who were essentially brutalized and censored. yang dikasari dan disensor.
I no longer would be censored. Saya tidak lagi akan disensor.
censored in the United States yang disensor di Amerika Serikat
had its app censored aplikasinya disensor
Apple censored a Palestinian protest app Apple menyensor sebuah aplikasi protes Palestina
that we don't need to know that someone was censored. kita tidak perlu tahu bahwa seseorang disensor.
So even though China's is a totally censored Internet, Jadi meskipun Internet di Cina sangat disensor,
even they block the tweet in our censored platform. bahkan menulis tweet-nya di media yang disensor ini.