cologne | = EAU DE COLOGNE. |
cologne | |||
cologne | |
noun |
a commercial center and river port in western Germany on the Rhine River; flourished during the 15th century as a member of the Hanseatic League
pusat komersial dan pelabuhan sungai di bagian barat Jerman di Sungai Rhine, berkembang selama abad ke-15 sebagai anggota Liga Hanseatic
cologne yang |
Example(s)to Cologne, and how often I call in between. menuju Cologne, dan seberapa sering saya menelepon di perjalanan.
or in medicines and colognes atau obat obatan dan cologne
colognes and cleaning solutions and cologne dan solusi pembersih dan
lighter than cologne cologne yang lebih ringan dari
and colognes and cleaning solutions dan cologne dan solusi pembersih
called also cologne water and disebut juga cologne air dan
also cologne water and eau juga cologne air dan eau
in medicines and colognes and obat obatan dan cologne dan
susan could smell his cologne susan dapat mencium kolonye hale