compromised | bersepakat |
compromised | |||
berkompromi, dikompromikan, mencurigakan, menjadi terkompromikan terganggu |
Example(s)compromised as it may be, menjadi tidak maksimal.
And when they are compromised, Jadi ketika sistem itu teretas,
who has a compromised immune system. seseorang yang punya sistem kekebalan yang lemah.
whose immune systems were probably compromised. sehingga kekebalan tubuhnya mungkin menurun.
And I decided that I had compromised, Dan saya memutuskan bahwa saya telah berkompromi
start to sputter when consumption is compromised. mulai tersendat saat konsumsi berkurang.
And our quality of life is going to be severely compromised. Kualitas hidup kita akan sangat berisiko.
That means their immune systems are compromised. Itu berarti kekebalan tubuh mereka telah terganggu.
can be compromised. dapat terganggu.