English to Indonesian
corridor lorong/gang yang sempit
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an enclosed passageway; rooms usually open onto it
suatu lintasan tertutup; kamar biasanya buka ke atasnya
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

alasannya, bus, bus transjakarta koridor, busway, busway koridor, dengan koridor, di koridor, jalur koridor, jam, kemudian koridor, koridor, koridor busway, koridor itu, koridor tersebut, koridor xi, koridor yang, korodor, lajur, lorong, sedangkan koridor


If you were lucky there was a public phone hanging in the corridor or somewhere.
Jika Anda beruntung ada telepon umum di lorong atau suatu tempat lainnya.
up and down the northeast corridor,
bagian atas dan bawah pada koridor timur laut,
we were told to go down the corridor
kami dianjurkan untuk pergi
to the bottom, to the edge of the Wakhan Corridor.
ke selatan, hingga tepi Koridor Wakhan.
like the western Amazon and the Andes Amazon corridor,
seperti di Amazon barat dan Amazon Andes,
that used to control the eastern corridor of Mexico.
yang dulu menguasai koridor timur Meksiko.
When that corridor became contested, they decided
Ketika koridor tersebut diperebutkan, mereka memutuskan
You're in there, you want to go to the end of the corridor.
Anda ada di sana, Anda ingin menuju ke ujung lorong.
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