crustacea | siput |
crustacea | |||
crustacean | binatang berkulit keras |
crustacea | |
noun |
class of mandibulate arthropods including: lobsters; crabs; shrimps; woodlice; barnacles; decapods; water fleas
kelas arthropoda mandibulate termasuk: lobster, kepiting, udang, kutu kayu, teritip, dekapoda; kutu air
crustacea yang, krustasea |
freshwater crustaceans usually having air tawar crustacea biasanya memiliki
freshwater and terrestrial crustaceans air tawar dan krustasea terestrial
fresh water phyllopod crustaceans see air tawar phyllopod krustasea lihat
mainly freshwater crustaceans fairy air tawar terutama crustacea fairy
amphipod crustacean parasitic on cetaceans amphipod crustacea parasit pada cetacea
antarctic seal subsisting on crustaceans antarktika segel subsisting pada crustacea
the arachnida and higher crustacea arachnida dan lebih tinggi crustacea
arachnids crustaceans and annelids as arachnida krustasea dan annelida seperti
arachnids crustaceans insects millipedes centipedes arakhnida crustacea serangga millipedes lipan
or freshwater crustaceans usually atau air tawar crustacea biasanya
or true crustacea as distinguished atau benar crustacea yang dibedakan
or spawn of certain crustaceans atau bibit dari krustasea tertentu
parts of insects and crustaceans bagian dari serangga dan crustacea
some crustaceans composed of many beberapa crustacea terdiri dari banyak
several edible marine crustaceans of beberapa krustasea laut dimakan dari