cutlet | sayatan daging/ikan |
cutlet | |||
cutlet | |
noun |
thin slice of meat (especially veal) usually fried or broiled
iris tipis daging (terutama sapi) biasanya goreng atau kukus
chicken cutlets rolled around butter ayam cutlets berguling guling mentega
cutlets rolled around butter that cutlets berguling guling mentega yang
cutlets usually veal or poultry cutlets biasanya sapi atau unggas
sauteed cutlets of veal cutlets tumis daging sapi muda
veal cutlets spread daging sapi muda cutlets menyebar
pounded chicken cutlets rolled around ditumbuk ayam cutlets berguling guling
cutlets usually veal or irisan daging biasanya sapi atau
breaded cutlets irisan daging dilapisi tepung roti
tastes like a veal cutlet rasanya seperti daging sapi muda
as breaded cutlets seperti cutlets dilapisi tepung roti
veal cutlets sepotong daging sapi muda cutlets
sauteed cutlets usually veal or tumis cutlets biasanya sapi atau
sauteed veal cutlets tumis daging sapi muda cutlets
sauteed cutlets usually veal tumis irisan daging biasanya sapi