filtered | menyaring |
filtered | |||
filtered air | uudara bersih |
filtered out | menyaring |
disaring, hasil penyaringan, minum |
Example(s)We brought this raw data in and we filtered it. Kami membawa data mentah ini dan menyaringnya.
has quite successfully filtered the web, telah cukup berhasil menyaring dunia maya,
and fill that up with water or filtered water, dan mengisinya dengan air, atau air hasil penyaringan
given to us, really, by science filtered through the media. yang dicekokkan ke kita, lewat saringan ilmiah, lewat media.
water or filtered water air atau air hasil penyaringan
quite successfully filtered the web cukup berhasil menyaring dunia maya
filenames may have been filtered nama berkas mungkin telah difilter
has quite successfully filtered the telah cukup berhasil menyaring dunia