frivolous | sembrono, tidak berguna, berpikir dangkal |
frivolous | |||
frivolous | |
adjective |
not serious in content or attitude or behavior
tidak serius dalam konten atau sikap atau perilaku
jauhilah, remeh, sembrono, sembrono dan, sepele |
Example(s)Now this seems like a fairly, you know, frivolous, Anda tahu, ini tampak cukup sembrono,
Play is not frivolous. Bermain bukan sesuatu yang sepele;
and you might say, "Oh, that's kind of a frivolous opportunity," dan mungkin Anda berkata, "Mungkin itu sembrono,"
but that's not frivolous. That's not a frivolous activity, namun tidak. Itu tidak sembrono,
thought that that was too frivolous, menganggap hal ini terlalu remeh,
play doesn't mean frivolous. bermain tidak berarti sembrono.