graham | g. cracker biskit yang seluruhnya terbuat dari tepung terigu. |
graham | |||
graham cracker | biskit dari terigu |
graham law of diffusion | hukum bauran graham |
graham's law | hukum graham |
graham's law of diffusion | hukum difusi graham |
graham | |
noun |
United States evangelical preacher famous as a mass evangelist (born in 1918)
Amerika Serikat pengkhotbah evangelis terkenal sebagai penginjil massa (lahir pada 1918)
Example(s)["Personal History" by Katharine Graham]["The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life," by Alice Schroeder] ["Personal History" karya Katharine Graham] ["The Snowball: Warren Buffet and the Business of Life," karya Alice Schroeder]
and this is Alexander Graham Bell dan dia adalah Alexander Graham Bell
even Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, who was flying this kite -- bahkan Alexander Graham Bell, penemu telepon, yang menerbangkan layang-layang ini --
Here's a map made by Mark Graham Ini adalah peta yang dibuat Mark Graham
And my colleagues, Brian Nosek and Jesse Graham, and I, Kolega saya, Brian Nosek dan Jesse Graham, dan saya,
The mentor of Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Mentor Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham,
It's been called an Alexander Graham Bell patent. Paten itu disebut paten Alexander Graham Bell --
consider that doubt, as Graham Greene once put it, pertimbangkanlah bahwa keraguan, sebagaimana dinyatakan Graham Greene,
the people from Alexander Graham Bell orang - orang seperti Alexander Graham Bell
by Graham Wiles. oleh Graham Wiles.
Graham Wiles has continued to add more and more elements to this, Graham Wiles terus menambah lebih banyak elemen ke dalamnya,