English to Indonesian
had not tidak [pernah]
had not
please wait
by Xamux Translate
hadlih HAVE.
notkk. (kep. -n't) 1 tidak, tak. I'm n. going Saya tak akan pergi. 2 bukan. 3 jangan. He asked me n. to go Ia meminta saya supaya jangan pergi. n. at all sama sekali tidak, sekali-kali tidak. n. yet belu


because they just had not been prepared
karena mereka tidak pernah dipersiapkan
that core piece of her had not died at all,
bagian inti dirinya belum mati sama sekali,
that Wikileaks had not been charged,
Wikileaks tidak didakwa,
Because there had not been any school for girls.
Sebab belum ada sekolah untuk anak-anak perempuan.
of the children that had not eaten the marshmallow were successful.
anak yang tak makan marshmallow sukses.
In other words, she wanted us to think that she had not eaten it, so she would get two.
Dengan kata lain, ia ingin kita berpikir ia tidak makan, sehingga mendapat dua.
to which the whalers had not been paying attention.
yang tidak diperhatikan oleh para pemburu ikan paus.
that had not existed before in that particular combination.
yang belum ada sebelumnya dalam kombinasi tertentu.
by a disease that they had not seen for years.
karena penyakit yang belum mereka lihat selama bertahun-tahun.
in places that had not seen this disease for decades.
di tempat di mana kita sudah tidak melihat bencana ini selama puluhan tahun.
so the children had not learned English at all.
jadi anak - anak sama sekali tidak belajar bahasa Inggris.
their moral compass had not yet developed.
moral mereka belum berkembang.
because the street furniture had not yet arrived.
karena perabotan jalannya masih belum sampai.
since he had escaped the camp when his friends had not --
karena ayah berhasil melarikan diri dan teman-temannya tidak bisa --
It was proof that I had not measured up,
Itu adalah bukti aku tidak mengukur diri
My body had not only become a driven machine,
Tubuhku bukan hanya menjadi mesin penggerak,
it gave men control over nature in a way that had not been possible before.
manusia belajar menguasai alam dengan cara yang baru.
things had not been going well.
keadaannya tidak begitu baik.
but, in reality, it had not made.
tapi kenyataannya itu belum dibuat.
They came across new creatures they had not seen before.
Mereka menemukan makhluk baru yang belum pernah mereka lihat.
but we had not connected the two.
tapi belum menghubungkan keduanya.
but the movies had not conveyed them
tapi film-film tidak menyampaikannya
Her mother had not gone to primary school.
Ibunya tidak pernah mengenyam pendidikan dasar.
because he claimed he had cloned a human embryo, which he had not.
karena dia mengatakan dia telah membuat kloning embrio manusia, yang tidak pernah dibuatnya.
"Midnight Express," which I had not seen;
"Midnight Express", film yang belum saya tonton.
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