English to Indonesian
handsomely dengan murah hati
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by Xamux Translate
in an attractively handsome manner
secara menarik tampan
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

mahal, memperlakukan
is handsomely colored and has
adalah mahal berwarna dan memiliki
graceful in form often handsomely
anggun dalam bentuk sering mahal
form often handsomely colored and
bentuk sering mahal berwarna dan
large handsomely colored marine univalve
besar mahal berwarna kelautan univalve
brazilian tree with handsomely marked
brasil pohon dengan mahal ditandai
in form often handsomely colored
dalam bentuk sering mahal berwarna
and tail are handsomely barred
dan ekor yang mahal dilarang
and they il pay handsomely
dan mereka akan membayar mahal
tail are handsomely barred with
ekor yang mahal dilarang dengan
delicate and often handsomely colored
halus dan sering mahal berwarna
handsomely finished colored gilded or
jadi mahal berwarna disepuh atau
species of handsomely colored butterflies
jenis kupu kupu mahal berwarna
hence any leather handsomely finished
karenanya kulit pun jadi mahal
leather handsomely finished colored gilded
kulit mahal selesai berwarna gilded
any leather handsomely finished colored
kulit pun jadi mahal berwarna
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