English to Indonesian
imperative sangat mendesak, penting, bersifat memerintah
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by Xamux Translate
imperative moodcara perintah
imperative sentencekalimat perintah
imperativelydengan sangat mendesak
requiring attention or action
yang membutuhkan perhatian atau tindakan
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

imperatif, keharusan, penting


because it's imperative the enemy not get their hands
karena pihak musuh tidak boleh memiliki
But it's imperative that we listen
Namun kita harus mendengarkannya
Secondly, it's imperative
Kedua, sangatlah penting
The moral imperative is on the table.
Imperatif moral ada di depan kita
it's imperative that we keep
sangat penting bagi kita
And I am not even going to address the issue of choice versus biological imperative,
Dan saya juga tidak akan mulai mempertentangkan pilihan dengan bawaan biologis,
Now if we look at the economic imperative here,
Bila kita melihat kepentingan ekonominya,
You lose the institutional imperative.
Anda tidak lagi butuh institusi.
in which he argues that the categorical imperative
dia berpendapat bahwa imperatif mutlak
this imperative is kind of the defining characteristic of our species,
perintah ini sepertinya mengartikan ciri khas dari spesies kita,
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