English to Indonesian
intestine usus
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intestinesisi perut
the part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anus
bagian dari saluran pencernaan antara perut dan anus
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan



that her intestine was outside her body.
ususnya berada di luar tubuh.
she needed 32 stitches to put back her intestine into her body.
dia memerlukan 32 jahitan untuk mengembalikan ususnya ke dalam.
her intestine suddenly strangled one day,
perut saudari ipar tiba-tiba tercekik.
goes best with diseases of the small intestine.
sangat cocok dengan penyakit pada usus kecil.
I myself had a tumor removed from my large intestine
Saya sendiri pernah menjalani operasi pengangkatan tumor di usus besar
stomach, small intestine and colon.
lambung, usus kecil, dan usus besar.
and in the area of your intestine.
dan pada daerah dalam usus Anda.
It's very difficult to work in the intestine.
Sangat sulit untuk melakukannya di dalam usus.
the passage of the intestine,
seluruh usus kita,
it's that when he eats, his intestine basically opens up
tapi karena setiap dia makan, ususnya terbuka
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