journal | surat kabar harian, majalah, catatan harian |
journal | |||
journal bearing | blok bantalan dukung |
journal box | metal blok-bantalan |
journal entry | ayat-ayat jurnal |
journal record | rekod jurnal |
journal-pressure | tekanan tap |
journalese | bahasa surat kabar, bahasa jurnalistik |
journalism | pekerjaan wartawan |
journalist | wartawan |
journalistic | jurnalistik |
journalize | mencatat dalam buku harian |
journalized | mencatat dalam buku harian |
journalizing | mencatat dalam buku harian |
journal | |
noun |
a daily written record of (usually personal) experiences and observations
catatan tertulis harian (biasanya pribadi) pengalaman dan pengamatan
jurnal, wsj |
Example(s)for International Development journal -- for International Development" --
It's just been published in the British Journal of Educational Technology. Eksperimen itu diterbitkan pada "British Journal of Educational Technology".
so we also did a paper in the British Medical Journal jadi kami meneliti sebuah makalah di British Medical Journal
in the Journal of Energy di Journal of Energy,
and this was published in a peer-reviewed academic journal dan hasil ini diterbitkan di jurnal akademik
it probably wouldn't get published in a journal. hal itu tidak akan dapat diterbitkan di jurnal.
and when they submitted it to the exact same journal, dan saat mereka mengirimkannya ke jurnal yang sama,
the journal said, "No, we're not interested in publishing jurnal itu berkata, "Tidak, kami tidak tertarik untuk menerbitkan
reported in the journal Nature how they had tried melaporkan di Nature bagaimana mereka mencoba
There are academic journals like "Trials," the open access journal, Ada jurnal akademik seperti "Trials," dengan akses gratis
industry sponsors, journal editors, for some reason sponsor industri, penyunting jurnal, dan dalam beberapa hal
And so then the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors came along, Sehingga Dewan Internasional dari Penyunting Jurnal datang
Last July, in Science, the journal Science, Juli lalu di "Science," jurnal "Science,"
of the last 200 years by the readers of the British Medical Journal, dalam 200 tahun terakhir oleh para pembaca Jurnal Kedokteran Inggris,
in the New England Journal of Medicine di New England Journal of Medicine
in the European Heart Journal this last summer. pada Jurnal Jantung Eropa musim panas lalu.
that's going to come out in the journal PLoS Biology. yang akan dipublikasikan di jurnal PLoS Biologi.
as the language of The Wall Street Journal. bahasa-bahasa yang digunakan di The Wall Street Journal.
published an article in the Journal of Geology menerbitkan artikel di Jurnal Geologi tahun lalu
It was a hippie journal of self-sufficiency. Itu hanyalah jurnal hippie tentang swasembada.
They had a 12-page supplement in the Wall Street Journal the day it launched. Ada 12 halaman tambahan dalam Wall Street Journal pada saat peluncurannya.
and he runs a blog under the popular Live Journal. dan punya blog di Live Journal.
and not one individual. So we submit it to a public access journal, dan bukan nama perorangan. Kami mengirimkannya ke jurnal yang diakses secara terbuka,
It's the only paper that will ever be freely accessible by this journal. Ini satu-satunya makalah yang bisa diakses secara gratis di jurnal ini.
and asked me if I'd be interested in keeping a personal journal. dan menawarkan saya untuk mulai menulis sebuah jurnal pribadi
in the journal Radiology. pada Jurnal Radiologi.
that well-known scientific journal, jurnal ilmiah yang terkenal itu,