English to Indonesian
knives lih KNIFE.
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by Xamux Translate
of Knife. See Knife.
dari Pisau. Lihat Pisau.
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan



You can't have plastic knives and swords and axes
Anda tidak boleh menyediakan pisau, pedang, atau kampak
that we need to be allowing guns and knives into school.
masuk ke lingkungan sekolah.
And they would be somethings like saws, knives,
Alat-alat itu termasuk gergaji, pisau,
That's why the Global knives are so neat.
Itulah kenapa pisau Global sangat anggun.
knives and spoons and various cutlery, welded
pisau - pisau dan sendok - sendok, dan berbagai macam alat masak lainnya, digabungkan
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