English to Indonesian
looked into mempelajari
looked into
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by Xamux Translate
intokd. 1 kedalam. 2 menjadi. 3 ke. 4 sampai


And I looked into this
Dan saya menatap
I looked into her face.
Saya melihat wajahnya.
I looked into the face
Saya melihat wajah
I looked into the face of one of these women,
Saya melihat wajah salah satu wanita ini,
and we looked into the rags,
dan kami melihat ke kain itu,
everything I looked into, I had to connect to some new machine,
semua yang saya lihat, saya harus terhubung ke beberapa mesin baru,
But then, I looked into the distance,
Namun lalu saya melihat ke kejauhan
And so she looked into the bone of this T. rex,
Maka dia melihat ke dalam tulang T. Rex ini,
So they looked into the origami community,
Jadi mereka menengok komunitas origami,
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