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I think the headline in The New York Times was,
Saya pikir halaman utama The New York Times,
I was giving this talk recently in New York City,
Saya baru-baru ini menyampaikan ceramah ini di New York City,
And they looked at me and said, "We don't do that in New York City." (Laughter)
Dan mereka menatap saya dan berkata, "Kami tidak melakukan hal itu di New York City." (Tawa)
the New York Times just talked about a school recently.
New York Times baru saja membahas tentang sebuah sekolah seperti itu.
But he's gone into finance in New York.
Tetapi dia melanjutkan pekerjaan pada bidang keuangan di New York.
Meanwhile, back in New York,
Sementara itu, di New York,
and it got picked up in The New York Times.
dan masuk ke dalam The New York Times.
Then I got a call from New York City
Kemudian saya mendapat telepon dari New York
is very happy to give his name to this, as is Imam Feisal Rauf, the Imam in New York City.
namanya pada piagam ini, juga Imam Faisal Rauf, Imam di New York.
in Brooklyn, New York,
di Brooklyn, New York,
This is in Long Island, New York.
Ini ada di Long Island, New York.
We wrote about her in The New York Times.
Kami menulis tentang dia di New York Times.
because New York Times readers are very generous
karena pembaca New York Times sangatlah dermawan
And there was an article written in the New York Times,
ada artikel di New York Times,
before there were bikeways in New York
sebelum ada jalur sepeda di New York
on a bitter cold morning in upstate New York,
di pagi yang dingin di bagian utara New York,
New York City, Chicago, Seattle, all under a sheet of ice.
Kota New York, Chicago, Seattle, semua berada di bawah lapisan es.
For any of you who have visited or lived in New York City,
Bagi Anda yang pernah berkunjung atau tinggal di kota New York,
My brother and I were living in New York City
Saya dan saudara saya tinggal di kota New York
because I altered the map of New York, if you notice.
karena saya mengubah peta New York, jika Anda perhatikan.
That's us in New York.
Inilah kami berdua di New York.
and we decided to move to New York.
dan kami memutuskan untuk pindah ke New York.
I moved back to New York, my work has changed.
Saya telah pindah ke New York, karya saya telah berubah.
And I was constantly reading the New York Times,
Dan saya terus menerus membaca New York Times,
This is that piece installed in a gallery in New York --
Ini gambar yang terpajang di sebuah galeri di New York;
of The New York Times, looking at the back stories of marriages --
di koran New York Times, melihat cerita-cerita di balik perkawinan --
Some time ago when I was working for The New York Times,
Beberapa waktu yang lalu ketika saya masih bekerja untuk New York Times,
on what was then a new problem in New York --
tentang apa yang pada saat itu merupakan masalah baru di New York --
the first one, in September in New York,
Yang pertama, bulan September di New York,
not just in New York, but all around the world.
tidak hanya di New York, namun di seluruh dunia.
because after all, there were 400,000 people out in the streets of New York --
karena ada lebih dari 400,000 orang di jalanan New York waktu itu --
between London and New York.
antara London dan New York.
I've been mapping elite media like the New York Times,
saya memetakan media elit seperti New York Times,
When you look at the New York Times, you look at other elite media,
Saat melihat New York Times, melihat media elit lainnya,
It was front page of the New York Times a couple months ago.
Ada di halaman depan New York Times beberapa bulan lalu --
So, can you imagine New York policemen giving out condoms?
Jadi, dapatkan anda membayangkan polisi di New York memberikan kondom?
with Mexico's Oportunidades today inspiring New York City.
melalui Program Oportunidades Meksiko yang sedang menjadi inspirasi bagi kota New York.
and here's yet another New York Times article,
inilah salah satu artikel di New York Times,
And then on the seventh of September, I was invited to New York.
Kemudian tanggal 7 September, saya diundang ke New York.
And I left New York freaked,
Saya meninggalkan New York dengan panik,
And I remember being stuck in New York, this time because of the volcano,
Saya ingat terjebak di New York, waktu itu karena gunung berapi,
And so when I moved to New York City after college
Dan ketika saya pindah ke New York City setelah kuliah
Cesar and I tried to write a piece for The New York Times Magazine
Cesar dan saya berusaha menulis untuk majalah New York Times
in The New York Times Magazine.
dalam majalah New York Times.
such as Tokyo, London or New York.
seperti Tokyo, London atau New York.
on offer in New York --
yang ditawarkan di New York --
It's pending here in California, and just recently in New York.
Statusnya masih menunggu di California sini, dan baru saja di New York.
And I thought, OK, excited Jew from New York, right?
Dan saya berpikir, oke, seorang Yahudi yang bersemangat dari New York bukan?
or in the case of this morning's New York Times, catfish --
atau dalam hal berita New York Times pagi ini, ikan lele --
Immediate dismissal to bus drivers in New York,
Pemecatan langsung pada supir bis di New York,
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