English to Indonesian
obviously dengan jelas
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by Xamux Translate
unmistakably (`plain' is often used informally for `plainly')
salah lagi (`polos sering digunakan informal untuk` jelas)
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

bagus, bahwa jelas, begitu, corky, dan jelas, dengan jelas, jelas, jelas akan, jelas bahwa, jelas merupakan, jelas saja, jelas sangat, jelas sekali, jelas tempat, jelaslah, kedengarannya, keesaan, masih, melainkan, meyakinkan, nyata, nyata nyata, pasti


because I obviously don't belong here.
sebab jelas tempat saya bukan disini, di sekolah ini.
had actually obviously impacted her life
jelas telah mempengaruhi
that was obviously a really difficult problem.
hal itu merupakan masalah sulit.
Obviously, you've got a computer now.
Sudah jelas, kini ada komputer.
You also need a printer, obviously, and everyone needs a printer.
Anda juga memerlukan printer, semua orang memerlukan printer.
get out the machine, obviously demonstrates it,
Babbage mengeluarkan mesinnya dan memamerkannya
It offers mystery, scientific insight and obviously splendor beyond compare,
yang menawarkan misteri, wawasan ilmiah dan benar-benar megah tiada banding,
And obviously, it landed in one of these flat, dark regions
Dan sangat jelas satelit ini mendarat pada satu dari tanah datar ini, daerah yang gelap
It's obviously a place which is very dry, or you wouldn't get dunes.
Ini jelas merupakan sebuah tempat yang sangat kering, atau Anda tidak akan mendapatkan bukit pasir.
and its surface is obviously wrecked with fractures.
Dan permukaannya kelihatannya hancur oleh retakan-retakan,
But that's obviously irreversible, and there could be side effects.
Itu jelas-jelas tidak dapat dikembalikan lagi, dan bisa ada efek samping.
and this guy is obviously
dan pria ini sudah pasti
we didn't have computers, obviously, radio.
kami tentu saja tidak punya komputer dan radio.
This is, obviously, that famous view now of the Arctic,
Ini, sudah jelas, adalah gambaran terkenal dari Arktik,
Our Vice President of Operation kissing the board. Obviously very, very excited.
Wakil Direktur Operasi kami mencium papan itu. Jelas sangat, sangat bahagia.
BP obviously has a bit more on their mind now.
Sekarang BP sudah pasti sedang sibuk.
from obviously oils which come from plants, but also from starches.
dari minyak yang berasal dari tanaman, dan juga dari pati tanaman.
we obviously need brains.
kami memerlukan otak.
by people who obviously had all insider information.
oleh orang-orang yang jelas-jelas tahu seluk-beluk sasarannya.
obviously in an effort
sebagai usaha untuk
The idea here is obviously
Idenya tentu saja
Obviously, this cannot be done by a human operator.
Jelas, ini tidak bisa dilakukan oleh operator manusia.
possible that didn't seem obviously
tampak begitu mungkin
It has three core components. Obviously, science is a big part of it.
Ada 3 komponen besar di dalamnya. Sains adalah bagian besar di sana.
And the cell is obviously for us
Dan bagi kita sel itu pastinya
that's obviously broadcasting some kind of signal.
yang dengan jelas menyiarkan semacam sinyal.
and it means that obviously,
dan artinya, tentu saja,
but they can all obviously see what each other can do.
tapi mereka jelas dapat saling melihat kemampuan satu sama lain.
Being a monolingual American, I obviously don't know what the phrase means.
Sebagai orang Amerika dengan satu bahasa, saya tak tahu artinya.
Ethan Zuckerman: Obviously, this is a tragic situation,
Ethan Zuckerman: Jelas, ini adalah situasi tragis,
and obviously there are seven billion people in the world,
dan ada tujuh milyar orang di dunia,
Obviously it's clinging there, not by animal magnetism,
Jelas saja pisau itu akan menempel, bukan karena magnet alami
And take something that is obviously a fake trick
Dan membuat sesuatu yang jelas-jelas adalah tipuan
Obviously, we don't want one of those. (Laughter)
Sudah pasti kita tidak mau hal ini terjadi. (Tawa)
Obviously, he's had his vasectomy
Tentu saja, dia melakukan vasektomi
Obviously, with a virus it's pretty simple;
Tentunya, dengan virus cukuplah sederhana.
which was useful, obviously.
dan berguna ternyata.
and I was obviously, as I said to you,
dan tentu saya, seperti saya sebutkan tadi,
Because it's obviously incredibly frightening.
Karena semua ini sangatlah menakutkan.
So obviously we didn't have any money.
Tentu saja kami tidak punya uang.
which obviously made me go, "I'm going to document.
yang membuat saya berpikir, "Saya akan mendokumentasikan.
Yeah, but there were hundreds of individuals, obviously, who made that a reality.
Ya, tapi ada ratusan orang yang jelas membuat ini menjadi kenyataan.
And obviously he never came down. The statement was never made.
Tentunya beliau tidak pernah datang. Pernyataan itu tidak pernah dikeluarkan.
And it was obviously a tragic moment
Itu benar-benar saat yang tragis
And after lots and lots of meetings obviously,
Setelah banyak sekali rapat, tentu saja,
And then suddenly, I obviously knew at this point, there was a chance.
Tiba-tiba, dengan jelas saya melihat ada kesempatan.
obviously the most wonderful, wonderful moment.
itu benar-benar momen yang indah, sangat indah.
Obviously it was shown, and it was amazing.
Tentu saja diputar, dan itu luar biasa.
which was obviously much less harmful.
yang terang saja jauh lebih tidak berbahaya.
And obviously the life-saving is increased, the concepts help.
Tentu saja nyawa yang diselamatkan meningkat, konsepnya berhasil.
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