English to Indonesian
parking lot arena parkir
parking lot
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who has a locked parked car in the parking lot
yang mobilnya di parkir terkunci dan
to level mud, to parking lot,
menjadi lumpur, menjadi tempat parkir,
When we park in a big parking lot,
Saat memarkir mobil di tempat parkir yang luas,
is on the site of a mall parking lot
pada lahan tempat parkir pusat perbelanjaan
The creek had been culverted under the parking lot.
Danau itu tidak jelas karena ada tempat parkir.
? This was a parking lot ?
? Dulu ini adalah tempat parkir ?
There were all the parents sitting in a parking lot
Semua orang tua sedang duduk di tempat parkir
This is a parking lot in Elko, Nevada
Inilah tempat parkir di Elko, Nevada
pretty dingy-looking parking lot
tempat parkir yang terlihat suram
in a flat, closed-off parking lot --
di lapangan parkir yang datar dan tertutup --
on a wall out in the parking lot outside of his hospital.
di dinding luar tempat parkir di rumah sakit.
what the feeling in the parking lot was.
perasaan di tempat parkir itu pada saat itu.
The funny thing was, we had to break into the parking lot too,
Lucunya, kami juga harus menyelinap ke tempat parkir
And you say, "Hey, Alex. Look at this parking lot where we started.
Dan Anda berkata, "Hei, Alex. Lihatlah tempat parkir di mana kita mulai mendaki.
out back of the parking lot at the reactor site
di belakang tempat parkir pada pembangkit listrik
So, here we have a crowded parking lot
Jadi, ada tempat parkir yang penuh
from an asphalt parking lot to pastures or fields,
dari tempat parkir aspal hingga padang rumput
while I was living in a van in a Wal-Mart parking lot,
sementara saya tinggal di van di lapangan parkir Wal-Mart,
in a Wal-Mart parking lot,
di lapangan parkir Wal-Mart.
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