petrol | gasolin |
petrol | |||
petrol economizer | alat penghemat bensin |
petrol gauge | meter bensin |
petrol pipe | saluran bensin |
petrol pump | pompa bensin |
petrol shut-off | keran bensin |
petrol tank | tangki bensin |
petrol tin | kaleng bensin |
petrol-cock | keran bensin |
petrol-engine | motor bensin |
petrol-tap | keran bensin |
petroleum | minyak bumi |
petroleum club | kelab perminyakan |
petroleum ether | eter-minyaktanah |
petroleum jelly | vaselin |
petroleum-vapour | uap minyak tanah |
petrology | ilmu batu-batuan |
petrol | |
noun |
a volatile flammable mixture of hydrocarbons (hexane and heptane and octane etc.) derived from petroleum; used mainly as a fuel in internal-combustion engines
campuran mudah terbakar volatile hidrokarbon (heksana dan heptana dan lain-lain oktan) yang berasal dari minyak bumi; digunakan terutama sebagai bahan bakar dalam mesin pembakaran internal
bensin, pengisian bensin, yaitu bensin |
Example(s)of replacing the whole petrol-chemical industry -- untuk menggantikan seluruh indutri petrokimia.
of number of petrol stations dari jumlah pompa bensin
That is that the number of petrol stations in the city Yaitu jumlah pompa bensin di kota
Less petrol stations per capita the bigger you are -- not surprising. Semakin sedikit per kapita, semakin besar -- tidak mengejutkan.
of about a liter and a half of petrol. dengan sekitar satu setengah liter bensin.
and it's simply crazy to do this, to put a liter and a half of petrol in the trash dan sudah cukup gila untuk melakukan hal ini, membuang satu setengah liter bensin