English to Indonesian
pornography kb. 1 kecabulan. 2 porno, gambar/bacaan cabul.
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creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire
kegiatan kreatif (tulisan atau gambar atau film dll) yang tidak memiliki nilai sastra atau seni lain selain untuk merangsang hasrat seksual
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

pornografi, sebuah pornografi


When we watch pornography,
Ketika kita menonton pornografi,
Sports is to war as pornography is to sex.
Hubungan olahraga dengan perang itu seperti pornografi dengan seks.
opinion on pornography.
tentang pornografi
"Shorthand description, ['hardcore pornography'];
"Deskripsi singkat, inti dari pornografi adalah
sold his child for pornography.
menjual anaknya untuk pornografi.
excessive new access to pornography.
bermain video game berlebihan, akses baru berlebihan terhadap pornografi.
music videos or pornography are really directly related to that,
musik, video, atau pornografi berhubungan langsung dengan hal itu,
which will keep the same people in their rooms downloading pornography.
menahan orang-orang diam di kamar mereka mengunduh pornografi.
It's going to be pornography, "Sex and the City,"
Tapi pornografi, film Sex in the City,
you get smuggled in, drugs, pornography,
obat, pornografi,
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