English to Indonesian
procedural menurut sistem
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by Xamux Translate
procedural errorkesalahan prosedur
of or relating to procedure
dari atau berkaitan dengan prosedur
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

memory allocation before interprocedural optimization
alokasi memori sebelum optimisasi interprosedural
of procedural operators that invoke
dari operator prosedural yang memanggil
put in motion procedural steps
mulai menggerakkan langkah langkah prosedural
procedural operators that invoke functions
operator prosedural yang memanggil fungsi
violation of the procedural rules
pelanggaran dari aturan aturan prosedural
procedurally we are still assuming
secara prosedur kami masih berasumsi
of course procedurally we
tentu saja secara prosedur kami
consisting of procedural operators that
terdiri dari operator prosedural yang
unfair due to procedural errors
tidak adil karena kesalahan prosedural
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