recorded | merekam |
recorded | |||
recorded hop | dansa dengan iringan rekaman |
recorded | |
adjective |
set down or registered in a permanent form especially on film or tape for reproduction
ditetapkan atau terdaftar dalam bentuk permanen terutama pada film atau tape untuk reproduksi
atau mengalami, bagian, berada, berhasil dicatat, berlindung, besar, catat, cukup, demikian, dicatat, dicatat oleh, dicatatkan, diceritakan, didaftarkan, didata, digandakan, dihasilkan, diketahui, dimasukan, dimasukkan, dinas, direkam, disensus, disimpan |
Example(s)where the children recorded their own music dimana anak-anak belajar merekam musik mereka sendiri
scientists had ever recorded for the African penguin -- yang pernah dicatat para ilmuwan untuk penguin Afrika --
that's an example of what was recorded in the scanner. itu adalah sebuah contoh dari apa yang direkam di dalam scanner.
CL: That was recorded in the scanner, by the way. CL: Ini sedang direkam di dalam scanner, ngomomong - ngomong.
Place cells are also being recorded in humans. Sel tempatan juga terekam pada manusia.
we recorded the responses from the retinas kami merekam tanggapan dari retina
And he recorded all of these conversations Dan dia merekam semua pembicaraan-pembicaraan tersebut
Or the recorded crowing of a rooster? Atau suara rekaman ayam jantan?
35 public lynchings have been recorded 35 peristiwa main hakim sendiri tercatat
They'd never made one from previously-recorded materials. Mereka belum pernah membuatnya dari materi rekaman yang sudah jadi.
These are a few of the comments I recorded for use Inilah beberapa komentar yang direkam untuk digunakan
He said he recorded many long hours in various intonations Katanya, dia merekam berjam-jam menggunakan berbagai intonasi
that were recorded of Hurricane Noel in 2007. yang terekam dari Badai Noel pada 2007.
that they sometimes recorded 50 or 60 different takes mereka terkadang merekam ulang 50 atau 60 kali
I've recorded 44,000 young people. Saya merekam 44.000 anak muda.
I've recorded about 900 hours of their thoughts. Saya merekam sekitar 900 jam pemikiran mereka.
go for the largest recorded cessation of hostilities, mengincar penghentian permusuhan terbesar yang pernah dicatat,
both domestically and internationally, ever recorded. baik di dalam negeri maupun internasional.
to try and create the largest recorded cessation of hostilities. menciptakan penghentian permusuhan terbesar yang pernah dicatat,
The point is then recorded Titik ini kemudian direkam
They not only recorded history -- they helped change the course of history. Mereka tidak hanya merekam sejarah, mereka membantu mengganti alur sejarah.
And our ancestors, for as long as there's been recorded history, Dan leluhur kami, sejauh yang tercatat dalam sejarah,
and recorded their every movement. dan merekam semua kegiatan mereka.
I got this waterfall I recorded in my back yard. Air terjun ini saya rekam di belakang rumah saya.
and everything is archived and everything is recorded, semuanya terarsip dan terekam,
it is automatically recorded and data mined akan secara otomatis direkam dan dianalisis
we recorded eight to 10 hours a day, kami merekam delapan hinggal 10 jam sehari,
to protect everyone who was recorded in the data, untuk melindungi siapa saja yang terekam dalam data,
we recorded this: kami merekam ini.
it has ever been recorded. hal ini direkam.
Edith Widder: So I recorded that with an intensified video camera Edith Widder: Jadi saya merekamnya dengan kamera video yang sangat kuat
I want to show you some responses that we recorded saya ingin menunjukkan beberapa tanggapan yang kami rekam
and saying that things are being recorded on an ongoing basis dan mengatakan bahwa segala sesuatu direkam di kelas secara berkelanjutan
onto a flat surface, where it is then recorded. pada permukaan datar dan direkam.
was recorded between 1998 and 2001, terjadi antara tahun 1998 dan 2001,
which we recorded and shot outside on location yang kami rekam dan ambil gambarnya
of the recorded activity patterns, pola-pola aktivitas yang terekam,
This was recorded in 1931. Ini tercatat tahun 1931.
The first shock is recorded as very painful. Kejutan pertama terasa sangat sakit.
there was a revolution in recorded media other than print: muncul sebuah revolusi dalam media rekam selain media cetak.
first photos, then recorded sound, Pertama foto, lalu rekaman suara,
recorded it with her camera phone, merekamnya dengan kamera ponselnya,
and back in the mid-'80s, she recorded this conversation dan di pertengahan 1980-an, dia merekam percakapannya
That's about three times the recorded music industry. Angka ini tiga kali lebih besar daripada industri rekaman musik.
It's the direct signal being recorded from my head, Sinyal ini direkam dari dalam kepala saya,