riot | pesta pora, hiruk-pikuk, kerusuhan |
riot | |||
riot in | bersuka-ria |
rioter | perusuh |
riotic | gaduh |
rioting | pengacauan |
riotist | pembuat gaduh |
riotous | yang menimbulkan kerusuhan, gempar, gaduh |
riotously | dengan kacau |
riot | |
noun |
a public act of violence by an unruly mob
tindakan publik kekerasan oleh massa nakal
aksi tawuran, bentrok, kerusuhan, tawuran |
Example(s)Maybe there's a kind of below the surface, quiet riot Mungkin ada sesuatu yang di bawah permukaan, suatu pergumulan batin
the institution to be a riot of noise, berdasarkan pengalaman saya sebelumnya,
it's very clear that you can't use riot control agents tertulis jelas bahwa Anda tidak boleh menggunakan agen pengendalian
the conditions of camps and warfare, of riot and tyranny, kondisi perang dan perkemahan, kerusuhan dan tirani,
When riot police have to protect parliaments, Ketika polisi huru-hara harus melindungi parlemen,
whether the riot we were seeing in front of us, apakah kerusuhan yang kami lihat,