ruby | batu delima |
ruby | |||
ruby laser | laser mirah |
ruby maser | maser mirah |
ruby | |
noun |
a transparent piece of ruby that has been cut and polished and is valued as a precious gem
sepotong transparan dari ruby %u200B%u200Byang telah dipotong dan dipoles dan dihargai sebagai permata mulia
Example(s)about working with a little six-year-old girl named Ruby Bridges, tentang Ruby Bridges, anak kecil berusia enam tahun,
And he would say, "Ruby, what are you saying?" Dia bertanya, “Ruby, apa yang kamu katakan pada mereka?”
And finally he said, "Ruby, I see that you're talking. Dia bertanya lagi, “Ruby, saya bisa lihat kamu mengatakan sesuatu.
I was raised under the protection and care of Grandma Ruby, saya dibesarkan dalam perlindungan dan asuhan Nenek Ruby,
Grandma Ruby's stepfather Gramps Ayah tiri Nenek Ruby, Gramps,