scull | |||
sculler | kb. 1 pendayung, pengayuh. 2 perahu dayung. |
scullery | kamar utk cuci piring |
scullion | pembantu di dapur |
scull | |
noun |
a long oar that is mounted at the stern of a boat and moved left and right to propel the boat forward
sebuah dayung panjang yang dipasang di buritan perahu dan pindah kiri dan kanan untuk mendorong perahu ke depan
mengayuh, pengayuh |
agent scully know that you agen scully tahu bahwa kau
special agent dana scully and agen spesial dana scully dan
let me talk to scully aku mau bicara dengan scully
what i saw scully and apa yang kulihat scully dan
does agent scully know that apakah agen scully tahu bahwa
ok agent scully baik baik saja agen scully
boat propelled by sculling traditionally boat didorong oleh sculling tradisional
bottomed boat propelled by sculling bottomed boat didorong oleh sculling
clinkerbuit narrow boat for sculling clinkerbuit perahu sempit untuk sculling
with two sculls or short dengan dua sculls atau pendek
with a scull or sculls dengan seorang pengayuh atau sculls
propelled by sculling traditionally didorong oleh sculling secara tradisional
propelled by sculling traditionally used didorong oleh sculling tradisional digunakan
yourself and agent scully to dirimu dan agen scully dalam
two sculls or short oars dua sculls atau dayung pendek