slaty | mengandung/spt batu 'slate' |
slaty | |||
slaty | |
adjective satellite |
of the color of slate or granite
dari warna batu tulis atau granit
biru kehitaman |
from its slaty structure called dari struktur biru kehitaman disebut
bluish slaty grey head kepala slaty abu abu kebiruan
splitting as a slaty color membelah seperti warna biru kehitaman
as a slaty color seperti warna abu kebiru biruan
as a slaty color or seperti warna biru kehitaman atau
slaty grey blunt nosed slaty abu abu berhidung tumpul
its slaty structure struktur abu kebiru biruan nya
its slaty structure called also struktur biru kehitaman disebut juga
a slaty color or warna abu kebiru biruan atau
a slaty color or texture warna biru kehitaman atau tekstur