specimen | |||
specimen | |
noun |
an example regarded as typical of its class
contoh dianggap sebagai khas kelasnya
ditemukan, spesimen |
Example(s)So I put the specimen in, which I'm now going to take out Saya sudah memasukkan contohnya, yang akan saya keluarkan sekarang
So this is the specimen coming out now. Jadi inilah contohnya.
So we still have the specimen here. It's quite warm. Kami masih memiliki contoh di sini yang masih cukup hangat.
had a complete specimen of a dodo in their collection sempat memiliki spesimen satu ekor dodo lengkap dalam koleksinya
Please note it's a museum specimen, Harap diingat bahwa itu adalah koleksi museum
but these beautiful skins in museum specimen drawers. selain bulunya yang indah yang disimpan di laci museum.
and we also take a digital photograph of the specimen, dan kami mengambil foto digital spesimen tersebut
a Tyrannosaurus rex, which was a very nice specimen. seekor Tiranosaurus Rex, itu spesimen yang sangat bagus.