English to Indonesian
stratosphere kb. stratosfir.
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stratosphere aircraftpesawat udara stratosfir
the atmospheric layer between the troposphere and the mesosphere
lapisan atmosfer antara troposfer dan mesosfer
source: WordNet 3.0


You can send weather balloons up into the stratosphere,
Anda dapat mengirim balon cuaca ke stratosfer,
the upper stratosphere, 40 km up.
bagian atas stratosfer, 40 km di udara.
that has been launched all the way to the upper-stratosphere
yang telah diluncurkan hingga ke bagian atas stratosfer
into the upper atmosphere, the stratosphere,
ke atmosfer bagian atas, stratosfer,
in the stratosphere with a sort of atomic bomb-like cloud.
ke stratosfer dengan awan yang berbentuk seperti bom atom.
So this lower bar is the upper atmosphere, the stratosphere,
Jadi di bawah garis ini adalah atmosfer atas, stratosfer
We can move things out of the stratosphere into the mesosphere,
Kita dapat memindahkan partikel dari stratosfer ke mesosfer
the stratosphere would be heated as well as the
stratosfer mungkin akan memanas seperti halnya
Here's the stratosphere: cooler.
Ini adalah stratosfer: lebih dingin.
they're kind of out in the stratosphere, in their own special place,
mereka seperti keluar di stratosfer, tempat khusus mereka sendiri,
in the stratosphere of our idea space?"
di stratosfer dari ruang ide kami?"
into the stratosphere
ke stratosfer
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