English to Indonesian
stressed menekankan
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adjective satellite
suffering severe physical strain or distress
menderita tekanan fisik yang berat atau tekanan
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

alvinsyah menegaskan, asep, di sini, ditegaskan, ditekankan, karenanya, katanya, khawatir, menandaskan, menegaskan, menekankan, menekankan kata, menguat, penekanan, pristono, sangat khawatir, sempit, sini, stres, tegas, tegas fauzi, tegas slamet, tertekan


So we all know this, when we're really stressed out,
Jadi kita semua tahu, saat kita stres
these were stressed, sick, traumatized birds.
burung-burung ini stres, sakit, dan mengalami trauma.
? I've been dining out and all stressed out ?
? Aku selalu makan di luar dan stres luar dalam ?
because she was stressed out
karena dia merasa stres
And they're rushing around all stressed out.
Dan mereka sibuk sana sini menjadi stress.
That their parents be less tired and less stressed.
Adalah agar orang tua mereka tidak terlalu lelah dan stres.
on the most damaged and stressed buildings within the city of Venice.
pada bangunan yang paling rusak di kota Venice.
and let's just say you are less stressed.
dan dapat dikatakan Anda menjadi tidak terlalu stress.
He had just been really stressed out by the wedding
dan merasa tertekan karena kami akan menikah
feel better, are less stressed,
merasa lebih baik, berkurang stressnya,
We plan to take this highly-stressed economy
Kita berencana membuat ekonomi bertekanan tinggi ini
and our highly-stressed agricultural system failing
dan sistem pertanian yang sangat tertekan hancur,
no matter how busy they are, how stressed out they are at work,
tidak peduli betapa sibuk atau stresnya mereka di tempat kerja,
But when you're in a hurry or stressed out,
Saat Anda terburu-buru atau merasa stres,
abundant renewable energy in some of the most water-stressed parts of the planet
energi terbarukan yang melimpah di daerah paling kurang air di planet ini
My parents were totally stressed out
Orang tua saya sangat stres
to expect to see stressed
untuk memperkirakan terjadinya stres
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