English to Indonesian
toe jari kaki
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by Xamux Translate
one of the digits of the foot
salah satu digit kaki
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

jari, jari kaki, kaki, kaki yang, ujung kaki


our bodies were covered head to toe
tubuh kami penuh dengan luka
If you stub your toe, that's a one A "argh."
Kalau Anda tersandung, itu "argh" dengan satu A.
and a very lovely brass toe.
dan jari kaki yang amat cantik.
that went from my chin to the tip of my toe
mulai dari dagu sampai jempol kaki saya.
I had frostbite in my left big toe.
Jari kaki kiri saya menderita radang dingin.
was a little bit of toe pad tissue,
hanyalah secuil jaringan bantalan jari,
"Come on buddy, I have the toe clippers right here.
"Ayolah. Saya punya gunting kuku di sana.
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