English to Indonesian
visceral ks. mendalam (reaction).
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relating to or affecting the viscera
berhubungan dengan atau mempengaruhi visera
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

mendalam, viseral


a visceral anxiety in the bellies of many a Western soul,
sebuah kegelisahan mendalam di dalam jiwa banyak orang Barat,
It's so much more subtle, so much more visceral
Lebih luwes dan mudah.
There's something I call the visceral level of processing, and there will be visceral-level design.
Ada sesuatu yang saya sebut pemrosesan tingkat visceral.
So that's the visceral level.
Jadi itulah tingkat visceral
In design, you can express visceral in lots of ways,
dan dalam desain Anda bisa mengekspresikan visceral dengan banyak cara,
It's all about the visceral experience.
Itu semua tentang pengalaman visceral.
Visceral is subconscious, you're unaware of it.
Visceral ada di bawah sadar, kita tidak memikirkannya
the visceral fear of falling
rasa takut jatuh visceral
is a lot more visceral and consequential than that.
jauh lebih mendalam dan berdampak daripada itu.
Now suppose that that visceral difference
Kini katakanlah setiap kali anda berbicara
will make you feel fear, you know, that visceral excitement.
akan membuat Anda takut, Anda tahu, perasaan berdebar.
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