English to Indonesian
what is your apa . mu
what is your
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by Xamux Translate
whatapa, mana, sesuatu, banyak
islih BE.


If you talk to them, and you said, "What is your social life like?"
Jika anda bicara dengan mereka, dan anda berkata, " Bagaimana kehidupan sosial anda?"
MS: A playful, mindful brand. What is your brand?
MS: Merek bermain dan berhati-hati. Apakah merekmu?
He said, "What is your father's name?"
Dia bertanya, "Siapa nama ayahmu?"
He goes, "What is your grandfather's name?"
Dia bertanya lagi, "Siapa nama kakekmu?"
So, what is your name?
Jadi, apa nama anda?
"What is your most precious natural resource?" --
"Apakah sumber daya alam yang paling berharga?" --
One of the questions was, "What is your ikigai?"
Salah satu pertanyaannya adalah, "Apa ikigai Anda?"
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