English to Indonesian
what their apa yang . mereka
what their
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by Xamux Translate
whatapa, mana, sesuatu, banyak
theirkg. mereka (punya). t. attitude sikap mereka.


what their power is in computing in the brain,
apakah kekuatan mereka dalam komputasi di otak,
Look at what their parents says.
Lihat apa yang dikatakan orang tua mereka.
of what their needs are.
mengenai apa yang mereka perlukan.
simply by being told what their neighbors were doing.
hanya dengan diberi tahu apa yang dilakukan tetangga mereka.
we know exactly what their genetic code looks like.
Kami tahu persis bagaimana kode genetik mereka nantinya.
how to do it, what their training is, what their project is so far.
bagaimana melakukannya, apa latihan mereka, apa tugas mereka sejauh ini.
Imagine what their lives would be like
Bayangkan hidup mereka akan seperti apa
and what their needs were,
dan apa keperluan mereka,
what their own capabilities are.
apa kemampuan mereka.
and what their tasks should be.
dan apa tugas mereka seharusnya.
what they're thinking and what their intentions are.
pikiran dan keinginan mereka.
what their generation time was,
berapa banyak generasi mereka,
what they're made of, what their hidden nature is.
terbuat dari apa, apa sifat aslinya.
what their breast density is.
tenttang kepadatan payudara seorang wanita.
We find other kinds of weirdness in terms of what their rights are.
Kita menemukan keanehan-keanehan lainnya dalam hak-hak mereka.
or what their life situation is at any given time.
atau apapun dan kapanpun situasi hidup mereka.
and see for myself what their lives were actually about.
dan melihat langsung seperti apakah kehidupan mereka sebenarnya.
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