English to Indonesian
whistler kb. penyiul, orang yang bersiul.
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whistler wavegelombang siul
United States painter (1834-1903)
Amerika Serikat pelukis (1834-1903)
source: WordNet 3.0

Kata yang berhubungan

americana is larger called whistler
americana lebih besar disebut bersiul
or rockling called also whistler
atau rockling disebut juga bersiul
whistler and three bearded rockling
bersiul dan tiga berjanggut rockling
whistler garrot gowdy pied widgeon
bersiul garrot gowdy widgeon pied
whistler three bearded rockling sea
bersiul rockling tiga berjenggot laut
larger called whistler garrot gowdy
besar disebut bersiul garrot gowdy
company wanted james whistler out
company meinginkan james whistler keluar
called also whistler and three
disebut juga bersiul dan tiga
called also whistler three bearded
disebut juga whistler tiga berjanggut
called whistler garrot gowdy pied
disebut whistler garrot gowdy pied
james whistler out of prison
james whistler keluar dari penjara
also whistler and three bearded
juga bersiul dan tiga berjanggut
also whistler three bearded rockling
juga bersiul rockling tiga berjenggot
is larger called whistler garrot
lebih besar disebut bersiul garrot
wanted james whistler out of
meinginkan james whistler keluar dari
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