KO | ko-dan non the o.'s who collaborated (with the Dutch) and the o.'s who did not. |
KO | |||
koa | (China) k.o. card game. |
koaci | see KWACI. |
koagulat | coagulum |
koak | sound of a crow, water buffalo, etc. koak-hitam k.o. bird. |
koalisi | coalition. |
koar | ber-koar 1 scream, shout, yell. 2 talk big, be arrogant. |
kobah | large drum. |
kobak | 1. a three-cornered tear (in a shirt, etc.). 2. see KUBAK. |
kobakan | 1) small hole in the ground into which coins are tossed in game. 2) puddle, wallow. |
kobal,kobalt | cobalt. |
kobalt | thenards |
kobaltihidroksid | cobaltic hydroxide |
kobaltikhlorid | cobaltic chloride |
kobaltin | cobalt glance |
kobaltioksid | cobaltic oxide |
kobaltisulfat | cobaltic sulfate |
kobaltit | cobaltite |
kobalto-oksid | cobaltous oxide |
kobaltohidroksid | cobaltous hydroxide |
kobaltokarbonat | cobaltous carbonate |
connec, knockout |
ContohJadi harapan kami adalah membangun ko-prosesor otak suatu hari So our hope is to eventually build brain coprocessors
Ko-pilotnya seorang wanita bernama Monica. The co-pilot was a lady called Monica.
ko-evolusi yang menarik yang sedang terjadi an interesting coevolution that's been going on
tapi perkembangan ko-evolusioner but as a co-evolutionary development
abadi herbal komposit emas batang composite perennial herbs golden rod
abadi rumput termasuk dekoratif dan perennial grasses including decorative and
abaikan komentar dalam ekspansi makro discard comments in macro expansions
abaikan would dalam kolom satu ignore would in column one
abbas tidak mengeluarkan komentar apapun abbas made no comment
abbey dan komposer dari banyak abbey and composer of many
abdul rochim turut menjadi korban abdul rochim becomes a victim
abe menggantikan koizumi tahun lalu abe succeeded koizumi last year
abi komplian dan mungkin berubah abi compliant and may change
abies dari pohon konifer sering abies of coniferous trees often
abnormal kadar glukosa tinggi dalam abnormally high glucose levels in
abnormal komplemen dari hormon seks abnormal complement of sex hormones
absinth ini adalah omong kosong this absinthe is bullshit
absolute ekspresi dalam daerah konstan absolute expression in constant field
abstrak ringkasan atau satu kompendium an abstract abridgment or compendium