Indonesian to English
Timor Timur the Province of East Timor in Indonesia Its capital city is Dili
Timor Timur
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by Xamux Translate
timorthe island of Timor.
timureast, east [towards the east ]., east [direction from where the sun comes up ].


namun juga ada tempat seperti Timor Timur,
but you've also got things like East Timor
dari musim kemarau timor timur
from drought east timor
kepala kepolisian timor timur dan
east timor police chief and
lampung timor timur kalimantan barat
lampung east timor west kalimantan
melaporkan dari dili timor timur
reporting from dili east timor
musim kemarau timor timur ntt
drought east timor ntt
ntb ntt dan timor timur
ntb ntt and east timor
ntt dan timor timur tampak
ntt and timtim
pemilihan presiden timor timur setelah
east timor presidential poll after
timor timur ntt ntb dan
east timor ntt ntb and
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