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a.n.b.(atas nama beliau) in his name.


Mengapa? Pada awal 2000-an saya telah menunjukkan
Why? I had shown in the early 2000s
dan ad hoc.
kind of ad hoc,
Mereka memiliki ke-”dua”-an di dalam mereka.
They all have two-ness in them.
melebur menjadi satu membentuk sel proto hybrid AB.
fused together to form a hybrid protocell AB.
Sekarang ada sebuah sel proto AB di dalam sistem ini.
There's a protocell AB now in this system.
Sel proto AB suka menari sebentar,
Protocell AB likes to dance around for a bit,
dan terutama memotong subsidi di AS dan Eropa,
and especially cut subsidies in the U.S. and Europe,
Ah, betapa sedap aromanya."
Ah, what a wonderful smell."
"Mana al-Sharif mengahdapi tuduhan mengganggu ketenangan publik
"Manal al-Sharif faces charges of disturbing public order
"Mana al-Sharif mundur kampanye."
"Manal al-Sharif withdraws from the campaign."
"Mana al-Sharif menangis dan mengaku:
"Manal al-Sharif breaks down and confesses:
Orang-orang ini, tidak mendapatkan AK-47
These particular people, rather than getting AK-47s,
Setiap Jum'at pagi, saya berada di toko suvenir.
Every Friday morning I was at the gift shop.
Anda akan tahu bahwa pada tahun 30 dan 40-an,
you will know that in the '30s and the '40s,
pada tahun 1830 dan 1840-an, bukan 1930 dan 1940-an.
in the 1830s and 1840s, not the 1930s and 1940s.
dan teknologi yang muncul kembali pada tahun 50-an, 60-an, dan 70-an
and the technology that would reappear in the '50s, '60s and '70s,
dari jamannya, pada tahun 1830-an, 1840-an, 1850-an, roda gigi, uap,
of his era, so 1830s, 1840s, 1850s, cogs, steam,
pada tahun 80-an dan 90-an.
did build in the '80s and '90s.
namun melihat benda yang aneh ini dan berkata, "Ah,
you've got to look at this humongous thing and say, "Ah,
sudah pasti di tahun 1940-an, semuanya berubah.
in the 1940s, everything changed.
Jadi, mulai saja, seperti apa Qatar di tahun 1940-an?
So going in, what was Qatar in the 1940s?
Pada tahun 1980-an
In the 1980s
Ini adalah Matius Anderson, Tariq Al-Daour
This is Matthew Anderson, Tariq Al-Daour
Lembaga Rahasia AS,
The U.S. Secret Service,
dan rekening bank tersebut terdapat 14,9 juta dolar AS
and that bank account had 14.9 million U.S. dollars on it
kita mengunjungi Saturnus pada awal 1980-an --
we visited Saturn in the early 1980s --
Ah ya....masa-masa kuliah,
Ah yes, those university days,
Di tahun 1700-an, para pakar matematika lainnya berkata
In the 1700s, other mathematicians said
Semua itu hancur di tahun 80-an dan 90-an.
It all collapsed in the 80s and the 90s:
namun inilah keadaannya di tahun 1950-an
but this is what it was like in the 1950s
? Aah, ah, aah ?
? Aah, ah, aah ?
? Ah, oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh ?
? Ah, oh, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh ?
? Aah, ah, aah, ah, aah ?
? Aah, ah, aah, ah, aah ?
? Ah, ah, oh, ah, ah, oh, ah ?
? Ah, ah, oh, ah, ah, oh, ah ?
? Oh, ah, ah, ah ?
? Oh, ah, ah, ah ?
? Ah, ah, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh ?
? Ah, ah, oh, ah, ah, oh, oh ?
Sayangnya, kami tidak lagi membangun peralatan produksi ini di AS
We don't build this production equipment any longer in the U.S., unfortunately.
satu negara. Anda harus memiliki salah satu kebijaksanaan China yang disebut "jian ai":
your own fellow countrymen. You must have what one of the Chinese sages called "jian ai":
Saya menyingkirkan AC
I got rid of air-conditioning
karena saya berpikir AC terlalu banyak memakan energi.
because I thought there was too much consumption going on there.
Sangat canggih, tanpa AC -- Saya menyukainya.
Very advanced, no air-conditioning -- I love it.
"An Inconvenient Truth" dan Tuan Gore.
"The Inconvenient Truth" and Mr. Gore.
dia bercerita tentang wanita kulit putih di era 1950-an
she talks about a white woman in the 1950s
Saya berjumpa kelompok ini di awal 90-an.
And I met them in the early '90s.
Di era 1970-an, di bawah rezim Pol Pot,
In the 1970s, under the Pol Pot regime,
Saya bertemu Jim dan Shirley saat mereka berusia 80 tahun-an.
I met Jim and Shirley in their 80s.
asalkan mobil itu berasal dari negara yang menentang kebijakan luar negeri AS,
so long as it comes from a country hostile to U.S. foreign policy --
di awal 1930-an,
in the early 1930s,
Begini: bantuan AS, membantu orang bukanlah hal yang mudah.
Look: U.S. aid, helping people is not easy,
Dan ada buku yang mengkritik bantuan AS.
and there have been books that have criticized U.S. aid.
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