Indonesian to English
ada di sana be there
ada di sana
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adathere is/are, be, have, did
diin, at, on
sanathere, yonder

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namun mereka ada di sana.
yet they were.
Jadi bagi beberapa dari kami yang ada di sana karena profesi,
So for the few of us that were there in a professional capacity,
Namun ada hal lain yang juga harus ada di sana.
There is something more though that has to be there.
Adipati Wellington ada di sana juga,
The Duke of Wellington is there, you know,
Saya ada di sana waktu itu. Hari itu merupakan hari yang sangat mengharukan dan menggairahkan.
I was there. It was the most emotional, exciting day.
Kita pikir bahwa bilangan itu mungkin ada di sana,
We thought it might be there,
Lorong Barat Laut itu ada di sana.
Well, the Northwest Passage is already there.
Ikan kod ada di sana
And the cod are there
Kami mempertahankan kebun yang semula ada di sana
We manage to keep the garden that was there
yang ada di sana.
that lived there.
seperti apakah mobilnya memang ada di sana.
like whether his car's actually there.
lahan basah yang sebelumnya ada di sana
original wetlands,
yang ada di sana.
which is just turning around there.
bahwa alatnya ada di sana
that the tools are there,
Dan di dalam gambar yang ada di sana,
And in that image there,
Jadi begini gambarannya. Lihatlah ke wilayah yang ada di sana.
So here's how it looks. Look at the region there.
di daerah barat. Yakima pasti ada di sana atau menjadi koordinator.
in the Westerns. Yakima was either there or he stunt coordinated.
Dan orang yang ada di sana semua terlihat seperti ini ...
And people are looking like this ...
pastikan bahwa hutan tersebut tetap ada di sana.
make sure that forest remains there.
Penyabotase itu ada di sana,
The saboteur is there,
Semuanya ada di sana.
Everything goes into it.
tapi karya saya ada di sana, di ujung Champs-Elysees.
and I was just up there on the top of the Champs-Elysees.
secara ilegal -- masih ada di sana.
an illegal one -- still there.
Dan mereka ada di sana!
And they're out there!
Saya ada di sana; saya melihat ikan itu
There I am; I see her coming back,
Datanya ada di sana dan tersedia secara bebas,
The data was out there, it was open, it was freely available,
Dia ada di sana.
He's over there.
Sistemnya tidak ada di sana untuk menjangkau mereka.
The systems are not there to reach the people.
ada di sana.
of the illusion.
jari telunjuk saya ada di sana.
my index finger being there.
"Saya rasa lubang hitam itu tidak ada di sana," mereka akan menurunkan Anda dari panggung.
"Well, I don't think black holes are out there," they'd hoot you off the stage.
Asteroid itu tepat melewati orbit bumi. Kita ada di sana enam jam sebelumnya,
It passed directly through Earth's orbit. We were in that that spot six hours earlier.
Saya ada di sana, memakai baju biru, bukan baju kuning
I'm there -- the one in blue, not the yellow --
yang tentu saja, saat itu dipenuhi oleh media, semua orang ada di sana.
which of course, now were loaded with press, everybody was there.
Telepon itu ada di sana. Namun harapannya adalah saat Anda masuk ke sana
The phones were there. But the expectation was once you moved in there
semua memiliki nama bagi serikat buruh dan profesi yang ada di sana.
all have the names of the guilds and professions that lived there.
Kami tidak akan ada di sana.
We will not be there.
Ada di sana.
it's there --
Itulah alasan mengapa saya ada di sana, untuk mengundang mereka melihat dan mencari tahu.
That's why I was there, I wanted to invite them to look and explore.
Seorang wanita yang mengenal saya bertahun-tahun juga ada di sana
And a girl was there who has known me for years
Kebanyakan dari serbuk sari ini akan tetap ada di sana
Now, much of the pollen will still be there
Kami tidak butuh semua yang ada di sana."
We do not need everything that is there."
dan para remaja juga pasti ada di sana
and you need to have those teenagers there
yang ada di sana,
going on in there,
yang mereka ketahui ada di sana,
where they're known to occur,
Dan, sedikit banyak, saya ingin manusia ada di sana
And, in a way, I wanted the human figure in the picture
Kami pikir bahwa keluarga sudah pasti ada di sana.
We thought our family would already be there.
Shanghai sudah ada di sana.
Shanghai is already there.
dan berkata "Oh Tuhan, kemarin tato itu tidak ada di sana. Oooooohh!
"Oh my God, that wasn't there last night. Ooooohh!
dalam hal teks yang ada di sana.
in terms of their text.
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