Indonesian to English
akar kata root word
akar kata
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by Xamux Translate
akarroot, source


berasal dari akar kata "educe"
comes from the root word "educe."
"Idiot" berasal dari akar kata "Idio", diri sendiri.
"Idiot" comes from the root "idio," oneself.
atau cakar kata dari seekor
or claws said of a
cakar kata dari seekor singa
claws said of a lion
dibakar katanya kepada wartawan sementara
burnt he told reporters as
gigi lidah atau cakar kata
teeth tongue or claws said
hasilkan kemungkinan akar kata dan
generate possible root words and
kemungkinan akar kata dan affixes
possible root words and affixes
lidah atau cakar kata dari
tongue or claws said of
munch hasilkan kemungkinan akar kata
munch generate possible root words
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