ala | in the style |
ala | |||
alah | 1 defeated, beaten, conquered. 2 see ALA |
alahan | loss |
alaihissalam | upon Him be peace (Isl) |
alaikum salam | Peace be unto you (Isl) |
alaikum'salam | (Islam) Peace be unto you (said as a response to assalam alaikum). |
alal-bihalal | see HALAL-BIHALAL. |
alam | world, realm, nature, natural |
alam baka | afterlife |
alam baka/selanjutnya | hereafter |
alam mimpi | dreamland |
alam mistik | the spirit world |
alam semesta | cosmos |
alam semesta memuai | expanding universe |
alam yang amat luas | vast expanse of nature |
alam-semesta kosong | empty universe |
alamat | address |
alamat kawat | cable address |
alamat penerima | notify addres |
alamat pengirim | return address |
alamat pengiriman | shipping address |
alas, first, style, version |
Contohdukun tradisional sering meniru pengobatan ala hewan. traditional healers often look at animals to find new drugs.
Misalnya, cara mengatasi sakit perut ala gajah, In this way, elephants have told us how to treat stomach upset,
Pertama, inilah permainan bola ala bonobo - First, it's a ball game bonobo-style --
Kita bahkan bisa lihat saya membuat label ala museum untuknya You can see that I even made a museum label for it
Tidak seperti hiburan satu arah ala abad 20, Unlike the one-way entertainment of the 20th century,
namun tidak untuk mempunyai rambut ala Texas. but not to have hair from Texas.
Mereka bahkan punya gelang ala Lance Armstrong, They even have Lance Armstrong-style bracelets,
pembangunan benteng besar ala Vauban -- the massive Vauban-style fortifications --
pas -- semacam pengaturan ala Goldilocks(keteraturan) -- but just right -- sort of Goldilocks style --