Indonesian to English
alhasil eventually, in the end, consequently, in sum, the result
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  1. akhirnya
    (akibatnya, alhasil, belakangan, hasilnya, keputusannya, kesimpulannya, kesudahannya, sudahnya, walhasil)
  2. akibatnya
  3. hasilnya
  4. kesudahannya
  5. walhasil

Related Word(s)

eventually, finally, jatinegara, thus, transjakarta, triggers


“Alhasil, saya berkesimpulan bahwa
And he said, "So I conclude that, in many ways,
Alhasil, dia tinggal di sebuah 'kota tenda'
He ends up living in a tent city
alhasil, setiap macam pilihan jadi penting.
and so every choice matters.
Alhasil, perancang adibusana mempunyai
Now, fashion designers have
Alhasil komentarpun mengalir masuk.
The comments began pouring in,
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